I was born out way in the middle of nowhere
My parents said I screamed as soon as I breathed air
They created me in the back seat of a car on a dare
Never thought of the consequences, didn't care.
Momma was the cheerleading queen,
when I was born she was just a teen
Daddy worked at the lumber yard
Had no education but he worked hard
Grew up, finished high school, got a college degree
Decided to move out on my own to the city
Found a job in a goverment call centre
Thought it would be a temporary adventure
Years later I am still on the telephones
Getting irate prank calls from old crones
Wondering about the ellusive smart caller
Just makes me want to scream and holler
Found me a boyfriend, found me many
They had nice cars, but were without a penny
They treated me nice and treated me plenty
But that was back when I was only twenty
This day and age, men are way too picky
Either much too distant, or unbearably sticky
They want it all and they want it fast
Yet they want a woman without a past.
Espoir (1992)
Quel est le plus grand signe d'espoir?
En ce temps de torpeur et de guerre
de mélancolie et de destruction
de faminie et de polution?
Quel est le plus grand signe d'espoir?
En ce temps de haine et de violence
de tricherie et de trahison
de coeurs cruels et pendaisons?
Quel est le plus grand signe d'espoir?
D'un meilleurs lendemain?
C'est d'avoir le courage aujourd'hui
de créer le monde de demain.
un enfant!
L'homme de ma vie I (1996)
Ses yeux couleurs d'orages
Me font chavirer à en sombrer
Ses cheveux comme un champs de blé
Ou j'aimerais courrir et me perdre
Ses lèvres douces et tendres
Qui me caresse tel milles papillons
Ses bras si forts et agiles
ou je peux me prélasser dans la
sécurité comme un coussin moelleux
Son corps ou se cache milles beautés
et trésors à explorer
Pour donner et rendre plaisir
dans un doux partage de complicité
Love (1992)
Do you know what love is?
What do you think
It's a joke?
Pain fantasy, dream
figment of your imagination?
Let me tell you
Love does exist
Love is in your family
It's in your friends
Love is what makes things grow
flowers, trees...
to find a lasting mate
love is not eternal
just as man is not perfect
and can chance his mind
love is change
Love is not a flower
love it not looking at each other
love is not belonging to each other
love is being free
sharing the same path
for a while...
Dreams (1997)
I dream of him
Of his breath caressing my soul
Of his sweet whispers from my ears to my heart
Stimulating my essence
Into passions unknown
I dream of him
Of his hands fueling my spirit
Of his soft lips
Creating words and fantasy
On my skin, reaching
All the way to my mind.
I dream of him
Of his arms holding me
Of his influential body
Whose presence imposes a
Sense of mystery and delight
From my heart to my toes
I dream of him
In those eyes, I see a;;
There is to see
Past present and future
I dream of him
with love everlasting
Loverboy (1995)
We met for an instant
So brief was it in time
Yet so sweet a moment
The joy and ecstasy so fine.
We were both betrayed
The fault and sorrow is mine
From your arms I have strayed
To become a pure swine.
I wanted you for myself
To hold and love me
But in my haste I thought only of myself
and hurt everyone around me.
Gone forever is the day
That I was lost in your embrace
You loving me the way...
Melting in time and space
Always will I cherish
That one night of sharing
Your love has to perish
While I remain despairing
Today here I wait
Hopeful for you return
But hopelessly
I die of misery
L'Amoureux (1995)
Nous nous somme rencontrés pour un instant seulement
si bref fut-il dans le temps
mais le moment si délicieux
la joie et l'extase si douce
Tout deux avons été trahis
le blame repose sur mes épaules et mon coeurs
je me suis égaré de tes bras
pour devenir une sorcière émérite
Je te voulias pour moi-même
pour me tenir et m'aimer
mais dans ma hate, je n'ai pensée qu'a moi-même
et j'ia ainsi blessé les gens outours de moi
Parti à tout jamais est le jour
ou j'étais perdues dans tes bras
Tu m'aimais comme je t'aimais
lorsque je te regardais dans les yeux
Je chérirai toujours
Cette nuit unique de partage
Ton amour du mourir
et je demeure dans le désespoir
Aujourd'hui j'attends
dans l'espoir des ton retour
mais irrémédiablement
je meurts de chagrin
Time (1997)
Time stands still yet again
As the seconds slowly tick by
One by one until they make
A minute seem like forever
I see movement all around me
Yet5 I feel like I'm in a trap
A trap where all of those around me
feel time but not I
How can there be movement
When time stands so still?
All should be immobile
as time itself seems to be
L'objet (1994)
Une ame en détresse se meurt
ne laissant qu'une dépouille
qui attendd d'heure en heure
un orage de tendresse qui la rouille
Le corps de cette ame s'use
pour ne devenir qu'un objet carnal
elle cherche en vain la ruse
qui tuera cette douleur infernale
Malgré ses efforts incertains
la dernière lueur de l'ame séteint
Ah! quel malheureux destin
Désormais entourée de glaïeuls
L'ame rejoint des aïeuls
L'objet sans vie est seule
The Golden Days (1993)
In your eyes I see his light
With you smile I hear his words
Your laughter brings me back
To those golden days
Where innocence reigned
Now that innocence has been passed on to you
Hope you will prosper in it
And learn all the facts
Before the golden days run out on you too
Your eyes speak of tenderness
They see a bright future
To you tomorrow
is only a day away
in you golden days.
L'homme de ma vie II (1997)
Ses yeux couleur d'orage me trouble..
Ses cheveux, comme un champ de blé en automne
Me font rêver de me prélasser dans ses bras
en pleine campagne
Ses lèvres pleines et douces
me caresses tels milles papillons
Ses bras si forts, si tendres m'enlasses doucement
De sa démarche d'un pas sur et rythmé
au son d'une musique silencieuse
m'entraine vers un monde de fantasme et de surréel
Sa voix ferme et rieuse propage
la bonne humeur partout sur son passage.
Silvery Light (1997)
I see a silvery light
Coming down from heaven
A silvery light just for me
Pointing to something I should see
That silvery light
That shines so brightly
It's trying to show me
Where my happiness and love lie
This strong silver ray
Shines down on you
The one I've been searching for
To love and cherish forever!
Love (1989)
Love is a feeling you feel deep inside
Deep inside of your soul, of your being
A feeling hard to erase, hard to destroy
It stays with you long
It makes you happy, it makes you cry
It burns inside of you like an eternal flame
The hurt tears your inside like a raging lion
Like a roaring fire it destroys your inside
with an infernal pain
Burning, yearning for a heart never to be yours
A touch a kiss seldom forgotten
Missing, hoping for a return
Security well being cherished
The feeling as strong, so beautiful
Everlasting Ecstasy of life
The pounding of a heart forever lost
The hands of time have swept away
for some else to love cherish and obey.
He is my only treasure, my reason for life
The joy which stole my heart
And gave willingly to him to cherish
But has been thrown deliberately away
Without as much as a second thought
As to the immense hurt it may cause me.
The selfishness and the jealousy
The bitchiness and the much hated cruelness
On my behalf, has thrown him out of my grasp
Never again will I drown in that sea of blue
and never will I get lost in the black waves
For i and only I am to blame
Look at what my inflation has done
It has born me regret and dreadful pain
The mistakes I have done will never be forgiven
Nor will they be forgotten
The price of uncared love has to be paid
by the ultimate pain.
La chute de Normandie (1993)
Une huneur taciturne régente la France
La loyauté de Normandie versus Vichy
Des troufions et bidasses de la Résistance,
Sont courageux mais razibus d'être avachis
Géante zizanie causée par l'Amérique
Des assasins qui estourbent et bousillent
Des agents doubles de Vichy qui torpillent
Voilà que c'est toute une panoplie,
D'attaques et d'assault que succombe la Normandie
Une huneur taciturne régente la France
La loyauté de Normandie versus Vichy
Des troufions et bidasses de la Résistance,
Sont courageux mais razibus d'être avachis
Géante zizanie causée par l'Amérique
Des assasins qui estourbent et bousillent
Des agents doubles de Vichy qui torpillent
Voilà que c'est toute une panoplie,
D'attaques et d'assault que succombe la Normandie