So as part of my Fitness for Work, I was sent to a Neuropsychologist for testing.
It all started with a two hour interview.
I have to say I am getting pretty good at all this divulging stuff cause something came out during that interview that shocked me.
He asked me about traumas I have had.
I mentioned that when I was a child, my parents would go on vacation without the kids, more often without me as being the youngest and 3rd child, I was the "expensive" one.
One time they forgot to come back for a week. During that week, I thought I had been abandoned. The aunt I was staying with thought my family had died so she was showing signs of stress.
The psychologist asked if it had a lasting effect on my. I realized that it did. I had trouble forming close relationships, had trouble trusting people because of that event.
If I care about them too much, it hurts more when they leave. And they will always leave.
When I made the comment "I now take for granted that they won't stick around" the psychologists face registered "emotion". It goes on par with the fact that I am unlovable I guess.
Anyways... quite enlightening.
The second day was all kinds of tests.
Emotional intelligence (EI) tests
Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests
Memory tests (short term only)
Processing tests and so many more...
When I left my brain was hurting. I would like to know the results of the tests. I guess I should ask.
I did stop to think at a certain point that even though they were doing all these tests, it would give them a result. They would know if I have bad memory (short term), if I have emotional tolerance but as for the "IQ" aspect, without something to compare it against how do they know that I have a reduced ability compared to me?
They'll know what my ability compared to the average Joe is, but not compared to what I can normally do.
I used to tell my former doctor that at my reduced ability (mentally), I was still higher ability than many. She saw that as a sign of mania.
It's like telling Ben Johnson that because he says he can run faster than the average Joe on a bad day, he has an inflated sense of self. That would be a wrong assumption now would it not be?
Note... My mental abilities are not exactly like Ben Johnson's running ability. Just using exaggeration to illustrate my point.
Thanks for reading
August 28, 2012
August 22, 2012
Wind Mobile - Still Waiting For a Resolution.
The last time I spoke to them, on August 17th, they told me that in 3-5 days, ALL my issues would be resolved.
Sure one is to expect "business days" but since THEY do business on weekends, that means that by today, I should have a resolution.
I should be able to look at my account and see the changes to the amount I still owe.
I get that the total Outstanding would not necessarily be $0.00 as there may have been some miscalculations on my part BUT it should be a lot lower than $41.00. This includes MY payment of $26.00.
Note that the Point of Sales Manager NEVER sent me an email about the credit. Nothing, Nada, Ziltch.
See a pattern here?
Looks like I was lied to again folks. An here I keep giving them the benefit of the doubt.
This means of course that I have to call then AGAIN!
Stay Tuned!
August 27, 2012.
5 weeks from when I first transferred to Wind Mobile (July 21, 2012)
I check online for my balance owed.
The good, my balance went down by $20.00
The bad, my balance went down by ONLY $20.00
I can only assume they have decided to charge me for that "week of usage" and taxes.
I call Wind today to find out what's going on. It's been after all 10 days since they told me all would be resolved. Take 4 days of weekends and it's still more than 5 days. I waited a few extra days to give them a fighting chance before calling them.
I spoke to Anna. ( I am now taking note of the names).
I ask Anna what is going on. She tells my case is escalated but there is still no resolution. She didn't tell me about the $20.00.
She gave me a case # C-10301605 and said she sent an email to escalation to get an update.
Of course no one will bother calling me. I know the routine by now. My son was to get a cell for his birthday. We won't be going with Wind. Quite a few of my Facebook friends and their friends will not be going with Wind either, no matter how interesting their advertised prices are.
My home computer has since died, making it more difficult to update my file. Dealing with Wind has been trying and exhausting to the extreme.
Stay tuned. some more...
October 5, 2012
Just checked my wind account today. Still waiting for a resolution. On September 16, I spoke with a Wind Representative and they told me all was resolved and I had all my credits. Looking at my account, the credits have yet to be applied.
Yet, they send me texts on a regular basis "nagging me" to pay my "outstanding amount".
Can you see the irony???
They nag me for an amount they OWE me....
This company is run by a bunch of ignorant teenagers...
October 9, 2012
I called Wind to find out why my credit has not been applied.
The first call, after waiting 20 minutes to reach a representative, I get an obviously uninterested woman (girl?). She informed me that I did not qualify for the credit as I didn't port my number over...
I flipped... are there not notes on my file? I asked to speak to her supervisor.... she is obnoxious and put me on hold, for 10 minutes and then I am flushed....
So I call again. This time I get an agent right away, is name is Sebastian, (She mumbled her name, I asked to repeat twice and I still could not get her name) I asked about my credit. He puts me on hold, reads the notes comes back and says he sees the escalations but obviously the wrong resolution was reached as they denied my request...
He offered to send it back up to escalation with more details... He felt that I should have my credit.... Thanks Sebastian for agreeing with me, now if only I could actually get to speak to these "escalation people". I have asked and never succeeded. They are supposed to call but never call. Just like they never respond to their texts...
So I am still waiting for an acceptable resolution...
October 15, 2012
I got a text...
Hey! Your account is still overdue. We need full payment within 48hrs to avoid full suspension of your service. Give us a shout to keep our relationship alive
I guess my account will be suspended in 48 hrs...
Worst company EVER!
October 15, 2012
After contacting the media in regards to my problems with Wind mobile, I went on Twitter to give them fair warning.
After all the same bullshit was said, I think we reached an A-ha moment. The Temp # has not been considered in my recent exchanges with them. (it definitely was in older exchanges though)
Another wait and see.
Also I found out today that Telus is charging me $120 for exiting my contract 10 days early. 10 days that I PAID!
Did they really have to be this punitive? I figure being with WIND was punitive enough....
To follow.... an-update-on-wind-mobile
August 10, 2012
What is Good Client Service?
I started working when I was 9 years old.
That is the first time that I babysat.
When I was 14, my parents bought a motel. Our house as attached to the motel and the reception/office was off the kitchen. Strangers came day and night. Our livelihood depended on how happy they were, how well they were treated.
At 39 years old, I can officially say that I have been working in Client Services for 25 years. Sure I would not call myself an expert but I do know something about client services. In fact, I have worked at developing some standards as well evaluated the services offered where I work.
To some degree, just about everyone works in client services, some more directly than others.
Back in my day, the client was right almost all of the time. The company was required to make every reasonable effort to ensure the client was happy and satisfied. Bob Farrell nice encapsulated the concept of client service that I follow and believe in Give em the pickle.
I mention reasonable, as you all have seen or heard of that client that asks for the completely unreasonable. If a client had asked, for the price of his room, to be chauffeured in a helicopter every day, that is not reasonable. If he asked for fresh sheets every day and soap under his pillow, that is maybe excessive but completely reasonable.
Lately, I find that the concept of good customer service is completely disappearing. You do meet the odd representative that offers excellent service, but if that representative works for a company with horrible policies in regards to customer service, the poor representative will disappear in a crowd of mediocrity.
For example see these posts: Wind Mobile - 1 ,Wind Mobile - 2, Teksavvy, Petcetera, American Express, Just Energy, Blue Power, and Bell Canada
I can name several companies where I have had nothing but stellar experiences in client service. I have also see "brokers" for mediocre companies be the only ones to give said companies a good name. (Rogers and Future Shop come to mind)
It seems like companies and their employees are completely forgetting that customers are their bread and butter. Since they have thousands and millions of customers, they don't see how loosing a few customers due to bad customer services is really going to affect their bottom line.
They also figure that since other companies are not doing any better, clients don't have much of a choice but to pay and put up with often abuse but the employees and company policies.
All the money they spend in advertisements and promotions to attract new clients while they treat their existing clients like crap.
Would it not make more sense to treat your clients well? A happy client tells everyone, an angry clients also shares it with the world. In this day of Twitter, Facebook and blogs, one single unhappy customer can reach thousands, millions even. Would it not be to their advantage to avoid such bad publicity by avoiding getting the client so angry?
I have been particularly lucky, or is it unlucky lately in my experiences with various companies. I am shocked by the total disregard they have in regards the bad image they portray.
Why give the pickle? Who cares about only one client in this day and age.
As for good customer service, here is my vision:
Thanks for reading.
That is the first time that I babysat.
When I was 14, my parents bought a motel. Our house as attached to the motel and the reception/office was off the kitchen. Strangers came day and night. Our livelihood depended on how happy they were, how well they were treated.
At 39 years old, I can officially say that I have been working in Client Services for 25 years. Sure I would not call myself an expert but I do know something about client services. In fact, I have worked at developing some standards as well evaluated the services offered where I work.
To some degree, just about everyone works in client services, some more directly than others.
Back in my day, the client was right almost all of the time. The company was required to make every reasonable effort to ensure the client was happy and satisfied. Bob Farrell nice encapsulated the concept of client service that I follow and believe in Give em the pickle.
I mention reasonable, as you all have seen or heard of that client that asks for the completely unreasonable. If a client had asked, for the price of his room, to be chauffeured in a helicopter every day, that is not reasonable. If he asked for fresh sheets every day and soap under his pillow, that is maybe excessive but completely reasonable.
Lately, I find that the concept of good customer service is completely disappearing. You do meet the odd representative that offers excellent service, but if that representative works for a company with horrible policies in regards to customer service, the poor representative will disappear in a crowd of mediocrity.
For example see these posts: Wind Mobile - 1 ,Wind Mobile - 2, Teksavvy, Petcetera, American Express, Just Energy, Blue Power, and Bell Canada
I can name several companies where I have had nothing but stellar experiences in client service. I have also see "brokers" for mediocre companies be the only ones to give said companies a good name. (Rogers and Future Shop come to mind)
It seems like companies and their employees are completely forgetting that customers are their bread and butter. Since they have thousands and millions of customers, they don't see how loosing a few customers due to bad customer services is really going to affect their bottom line.
They also figure that since other companies are not doing any better, clients don't have much of a choice but to pay and put up with often abuse but the employees and company policies.
All the money they spend in advertisements and promotions to attract new clients while they treat their existing clients like crap.
Would it not make more sense to treat your clients well? A happy client tells everyone, an angry clients also shares it with the world. In this day of Twitter, Facebook and blogs, one single unhappy customer can reach thousands, millions even. Would it not be to their advantage to avoid such bad publicity by avoiding getting the client so angry?
I have been particularly lucky, or is it unlucky lately in my experiences with various companies. I am shocked by the total disregard they have in regards the bad image they portray.
Why give the pickle? Who cares about only one client in this day and age.
As for good customer service, here is my vision:
- Always serve with a smile: Even if it's over the phone, people can sense it.
- Do not hesitate to offer just a bit extra. This is especially important if you have to deliver bad news. If you cost the client something, if you made them lose something they view as important, give a little something to make them feel a bit better about your company.
- Don't cut corners. If you are rushing or sloppy, it makes the client feel like you are bugging them or wasting your time on them. That is never a good thing.
- Be polite and professional no matter what. Swearing or saying things like "Whatever" are never acceptable. Yes the client may raise their voice or swear, but that doesn't mean you have to sink to their level. Especially don't tell a client off. One person once told me that they didn't need clients like me.. Trust me, this was not warranted in that situation.
- Take the time needed to listen to them and understand exactly what they need or want. Don't assume or jump to conclusions. Misunderstandings lead to mistakes. Mistakes often lead to a nasty irate customer.
- Take responsibility for your mistakes. I can't stress this enough. Do everything you can to make it right. Especially don't blame the customer for your mistake (By your, this can be the mistake of a coworker, not and not necessarily yours. You are the company in the clients eyes, just like your coworker is the company. So their mistakes are by extension your mistake.)
- Don't make promises you can't keep
- Don't give the client the run-around
- Don't take it personal. Making it personal will make you break the rules of good client service
Thanks for reading.
August 9, 2012
Wind Mobile - The Saga Continues
I guess you should start by reading this post.
Then see the updates I posted:
(July 31, 2012)********** OMG called Wind to find out when my # will be ported to my phone. They had not placed the order yet. Meanwhile people can't reach me. No compensation offered for the inconvenience they are causing with their constant screw-ups. Two days later they have not called back nor responded to my text. This is customer service folks! I call them and after 45 minutes. They inform me my # cannot be ported because they cancelled it. 10 days I 'be been waiting and if I cancel now I lost $250.**** (Case C-10004448)
So far, this has got to be the WORST company I have dealt with yet!
This kind of shit doesn't happen to every customer. Yet this kind of thing tends to happen to me a lot. It happened with Teksavvy when I switched over, it happens with most companies I start doing business with.
(August 3, 2012) ********Update, they called. Told me my number belonged to another provider and they had to change my number (result of blog maybe? I do say I hate the number they had given me.). I got to pick a new number. Initially they offered to port my old number and asked which provider had it.
Ah the power of social media.
(August 5, 2012) *******The saga continues...
Turns out my blog had nothing to do with it, my number actually belonged to another of their clients (which explains all the text messages I was getting).
When I got my new number, they did not give me my voicemail. Took a few days to realize my voicemail had been cancelled with the new number. Know what else was cancelled? My data plan and my 200 credit (which I was using to pay for my voicemail). So on top of everything, I don't even get the specials that came with my enrolment anymore, I pay for an everything unlimited and don't get the unlimited data plan that comes with their friggen advertisements.
I guess I'll look into getting my phone unlocked and see if another provider will be more interested in having me as a client.
(August 9, 2012)
I get my invoice.
On the invoice,
There is no sign of :
I send a text message to Wind - but then remember they have yet to respond to ANY of the text messages I have sent, so I don't know why they offer that option. They also do not respond to the emails sent through their website even though you get that confirmation thing.
So I call, at 8 AM, as soon as they open.
My intention is to have my issues fixed. Namely:
Actually as I sit here typing I am having chest pains. Not gonna see a doctor. I have fibro and GERD, doctors tend to be a waste of time...
Back to the call, sorry for digressing.
So they answer and I go on a spiel that I want someone to fix my problems once and for all, enumerating all the issues I have had.
So far so good. He is being OK.
He asks for my number, my PIN name and so on.
Then we start getting into the crux of the call.
First we start with the $8.something being billed for the temp number. I explain, he initially says the $8.something will be annulled.
Then $200.00 credit (Promotion). Back and forth we go with information and research.
- First he tells me that my handset does not qualify for the promotion. This is odd as when I first enrolled, with the ported over number it qualified for the promotion.. When they moved my plan and made me start fresh, it qualified for the promotion, but now it does not.
- After going to check some more, he comes back and tells me that I no longer qualify cause I changed my number. Yes my number changed. Three times. I am not happy about the all the changes in my number. As far as I am concerned, I wish I was still on my initial number. The one I wanted ported over. I never asked to change number. It was done to me. This is not in my file. According to their files I requested a new number. He said he would have the credit investigated and they would get back to me in 3 to 5 days. I have heard that before... (Case # C-10004448)
Next we move on to the $25.00 I was overcharged when I enrolled. This is where things start getting nasty.
He tells me that since I used the code I could not have it credited. Note that case C-9944876, C-9947696 and C-10004448 all indicate that since it was due to employee error that it could be credited.
(Side note, they don't give me case numbers anymore, this may not be a good thing)
After I somewhat lose my cool over this. You have to give it to me, this would push almost anyone to lose their cool, the guy tells me "Whatever!"
I ask to speak to a supervisor. He puts me on hold for several minutes to be transferred to a supervisor.
Eventually he comes back and tells me I have to go to point of sales (POS) to have the $25.00 credited to my account. Have to speak to a manager as they can't do it there. The manager is never there during the evening.
He tells me the promotion $200 credit will be reinstated but I have to pay the extra $8.something.
He tells me that I have to "advance pay the $40.00 dollars as a deposit, that it will come off later. (I have heard that before too)
I never got to speak to a supervisor. I figure they say anything to just get you off the phone. Nothing is recorded or documented. Then the customer is stuck with the bill and lousy customer service.
I remember the old days Where they would have said sorry m'mam, here is something for your troubles.
Nowadays, its "Whatever", no apology, we don't give a F*ck about our clients.
I am from the old school of client services. This offends me in so many ways.
He took my email address to get back to me later about what can be done about this $25. I am getting a bad feeling about this. While I was there he called his back office and spent a good deal of time chatting with them.
Also, "escalation" tried calling me twice. Once I was driving (I don't talk and drive) on the10th and the other time I was busy and not able to take the call on the 11th. I tried calling back only to be told that I had to wait for that specific agent to reach me. (You'd think they would have taken my name and number ans relayed the message or something.)
In an effort to get things resolved I have also tweeted Wind_Cares (don't get me started on that one) and was told my case was escalated to the "Social Media Supervisor"
HI! Hope you fix this... Considering the amount of hours I spent trying to get this resolved, and how much I earn per hour. Wind owes me a lot of mulah now....
August 17, 2012
I called Wind today. I had been waiting for a callback from them since the 11th, when I missed their call. I had also been waiting for an email from the POS manager since the 13th, or even a response of some kind since my Tweet.
Since I had neither, I called, only to "loose connection" twice. I've worked in call centres for long enough to know I was "flushed" twice.
So I called back a third time to ask for a status. After putting me on hold for an extensive amount of time the agent comes back and tells me that my issues, all my issues (except the phone number that they lost of course) will be resolved in the next 3-5 business days. Someone is supposed to call me to let me know once the issues have been fixed. They have been working on this since the 12th they said. THE 12TH!
Not July 31st, not August 3rd, nor August 9th, which is when all this was supposed to be looked into according to the last time I called but the 12th. This coincides with my sending them a link to my blog. I wonder what they were planning on telling me on the 10th and 11th if they only started working on my credits on the 12th? It might explain why they had not called me back. Maybe the original call back was a too bad so sad sucks to be you response.. but they decided to change that response for some reason or other. I do write for Broowaha too.
Note that the 12th was a SUNDAY. Not sure they are giving me the right date. They have been known to say anything to get me off the phone on the past.
Forgive me for not jumping for joy just yet.
I was waiting to pay my bill until the issues were rectified, which changed the amount I was to pay. My deadline was the 19th, but since that's this Sunday, and not a bank business day, today was in fact my deadline.
I sent them a payment for approximately what I think I owe and not the amount of my bill. I took the amount of my bill $67, minus $16 ($8 voicemail to be paid through the promotional credit and $8 for them billing my temporary #) and minus $25 (the amount I was overcharged when they put me on the wrong plan) and sent them $26. I figure this amount will take care of the taxes involved.
They will get the amount late. It will take my bank 2-3 business days to process. I've been thinking of sending them $26 for about a week now. My bad for waiting till the last minute.
Mind you I could argue I was waiting for them. If resolving MY issues had been a higher priority for them, maybe paying them would have been a higher priority for me.
Thanks for Reading.
To be continued... wind-mobile-still-waiting-for-resolution
Then see the updates I posted:
I don't WANT the number I have, I HATE the number I have. I purposely did not pick a number (I would have kept the same last four digits if I knew) because I thought I was keeping the number I had for years.
So far, this has got to be the WORST company I have dealt with yet!
This kind of shit doesn't happen to every customer. Yet this kind of thing tends to happen to me a lot. It happened with Teksavvy when I switched over, it happens with most companies I start doing business with.
(August 3, 2012) ********Update, they called. Told me my number belonged to another provider and they had to change my number (result of blog maybe? I do say I hate the number they had given me.). I got to pick a new number. Initially they offered to port my old number and asked which provider had it.
Ah the power of social media.
(August 5, 2012) *******The saga continues...
Turns out my blog had nothing to do with it, my number actually belonged to another of their clients (which explains all the text messages I was getting).
When I got my new number, they did not give me my voicemail. Took a few days to realize my voicemail had been cancelled with the new number. Know what else was cancelled? My data plan and my 200 credit (which I was using to pay for my voicemail). So on top of everything, I don't even get the specials that came with my enrolment anymore, I pay for an everything unlimited and don't get the unlimited data plan that comes with their friggen advertisements.
I guess I'll look into getting my phone unlocked and see if another provider will be more interested in having me as a client.
(August 9, 2012)
I get my invoice.
On the invoice,
- They are charging me $8.something for my interim number
- They are charging me $42.00 for my plan (which is supposed to be 40)
- They are charging me voicemail $8.00
There is no sign of :
- The $25.00 credit for the amount I was "overcharged" due to the mistake when I enrolled
- The $200.00 credit for new clients (Promotion), which is supposed to take care of my voicemail.
I send a text message to Wind - but then remember they have yet to respond to ANY of the text messages I have sent, so I don't know why they offer that option. They also do not respond to the emails sent through their website even though you get that confirmation thing.
So I call, at 8 AM, as soon as they open.
My intention is to have my issues fixed. Namely:
- the 200 credit reinstated (Promotion)
- the 25 credited to my account
- Resolve the double billing
- get some kind compensation for all the aggravation I have been though.
Actually as I sit here typing I am having chest pains. Not gonna see a doctor. I have fibro and GERD, doctors tend to be a waste of time...
Back to the call, sorry for digressing.
So they answer and I go on a spiel that I want someone to fix my problems once and for all, enumerating all the issues I have had.
So far so good. He is being OK.
He asks for my number, my PIN name and so on.
Then we start getting into the crux of the call.
First we start with the $8.something being billed for the temp number. I explain, he initially says the $8.something will be annulled.
Then $200.00 credit (Promotion). Back and forth we go with information and research.
- First he tells me that my handset does not qualify for the promotion. This is odd as when I first enrolled, with the ported over number it qualified for the promotion.. When they moved my plan and made me start fresh, it qualified for the promotion, but now it does not.
- After going to check some more, he comes back and tells me that I no longer qualify cause I changed my number. Yes my number changed. Three times. I am not happy about the all the changes in my number. As far as I am concerned, I wish I was still on my initial number. The one I wanted ported over. I never asked to change number. It was done to me. This is not in my file. According to their files I requested a new number. He said he would have the credit investigated and they would get back to me in 3 to 5 days. I have heard that before... (Case # C-10004448)
Next we move on to the $25.00 I was overcharged when I enrolled. This is where things start getting nasty.
He tells me that since I used the code I could not have it credited. Note that case C-9944876, C-9947696 and C-10004448 all indicate that since it was due to employee error that it could be credited.
(Side note, they don't give me case numbers anymore, this may not be a good thing)
After I somewhat lose my cool over this. You have to give it to me, this would push almost anyone to lose their cool, the guy tells me "Whatever!"
I ask to speak to a supervisor. He puts me on hold for several minutes to be transferred to a supervisor.
Eventually he comes back and tells me I have to go to point of sales (POS) to have the $25.00 credited to my account. Have to speak to a manager as they can't do it there. The manager is never there during the evening.
He tells me the promotion $200 credit will be reinstated but I have to pay the extra $8.something.
He tells me that I have to "advance pay the $40.00 dollars as a deposit, that it will come off later. (I have heard that before too)
I never got to speak to a supervisor. I figure they say anything to just get you off the phone. Nothing is recorded or documented. Then the customer is stuck with the bill and lousy customer service.
I remember the old days Where they would have said sorry m'mam, here is something for your troubles.
Nowadays, its "Whatever", no apology, we don't give a F*ck about our clients.
I am from the old school of client services. This offends me in so many ways.
August 13, 2012
My daughter pays $29 for the same services I pay $40 with Wind. Went to Point of sales (POS) today, met the manager only to be told, he can't do the credit ($25). He emailed his back office and his area manager. You'd think that since I pay $11 dollars more a month than many of their customers that they would make a better effort.
Also, "escalation" tried calling me twice. Once I was driving (I don't talk and drive) on the10th and the other time I was busy and not able to take the call on the 11th. I tried calling back only to be told that I had to wait for that specific agent to reach me. (You'd think they would have taken my name and number ans relayed the message or something.)
In an effort to get things resolved I have also tweeted Wind_Cares (don't get me started on that one) and was told my case was escalated to the "Social Media Supervisor"
HI! Hope you fix this... Considering the amount of hours I spent trying to get this resolved, and how much I earn per hour. Wind owes me a lot of mulah now....
August 17, 2012
I called Wind today. I had been waiting for a callback from them since the 11th, when I missed their call. I had also been waiting for an email from the POS manager since the 13th, or even a response of some kind since my Tweet.
Since I had neither, I called, only to "loose connection" twice. I've worked in call centres for long enough to know I was "flushed" twice.
So I called back a third time to ask for a status. After putting me on hold for an extensive amount of time the agent comes back and tells me that my issues, all my issues (except the phone number that they lost of course) will be resolved in the next 3-5 business days. Someone is supposed to call me to let me know once the issues have been fixed. They have been working on this since the 12th they said. THE 12TH!
Not July 31st, not August 3rd, nor August 9th, which is when all this was supposed to be looked into according to the last time I called but the 12th. This coincides with my sending them a link to my blog. I wonder what they were planning on telling me on the 10th and 11th if they only started working on my credits on the 12th? It might explain why they had not called me back. Maybe the original call back was a too bad so sad sucks to be you response.. but they decided to change that response for some reason or other. I do write for Broowaha too.
Note that the 12th was a SUNDAY. Not sure they are giving me the right date. They have been known to say anything to get me off the phone on the past.
Forgive me for not jumping for joy just yet.
I was waiting to pay my bill until the issues were rectified, which changed the amount I was to pay. My deadline was the 19th, but since that's this Sunday, and not a bank business day, today was in fact my deadline.
I sent them a payment for approximately what I think I owe and not the amount of my bill. I took the amount of my bill $67, minus $16 ($8 voicemail to be paid through the promotional credit and $8 for them billing my temporary #) and minus $25 (the amount I was overcharged when they put me on the wrong plan) and sent them $26. I figure this amount will take care of the taxes involved.
They will get the amount late. It will take my bank 2-3 business days to process. I've been thinking of sending them $26 for about a week now. My bad for waiting till the last minute.
Mind you I could argue I was waiting for them. If resolving MY issues had been a higher priority for them, maybe paying them would have been a higher priority for me.
Thanks for Reading.
To be continued... wind-mobile-still-waiting-for-resolution
August 8, 2012
Health Update
Hello All
Some of you know that I have started a process, for work accommodation, that involves obtaining my medical history (mental and physical) to determine my fitness for work.
About a month ago, I went to the hospital and met with various people for half a day. Prior to this meeting, I had filled out many questionnaires at home. We wound up discussing the same things for the most part but in some cases new information did emerge.
I believe this blog has helped me to come clean with medical professionals where before I would not say important things, robbing them of important information they needed. Here I have practiced opening up about all my issues. I used to not be able to talk about many of them. I was ashamed, I was told to not discuss these things. They must be hidden, a secret.
Here I broke the written wall of secrets and it helped me break the vocal wall.
This half day was only a beginning. I am meeting with another specialist later in the month to do a FULL mental history and what has been determined may be brought into question again. I will be meeting with this other specialist for 1.5 days. I will fill out many many more questionnaires. This will somewhat be a similar process that I went through with my son when they determined he was PDD-NOS.
Anyway, the initial result so far is that I am not bipolar according to the current DSM IV. The Bipolar III-NOS is not currently a valid diagnosis, it may be included in the next release of the manual but has not been accepted yet. The DSM V has been written and it set for release in 2013. This new manual changes the definition for some autism spectrum disorders as well as addiction disorders. I do not know yet is the new Bipolar will be included in this release. You can find some information about the new manual here or here
According to today's standard of diagnosis, it is Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder with chemical sensitivity to anti-depressants.
They also say that I do not currently have an eating disorder, that I most likely had one in the past and still have the mental distortion of the disorder. However, since I only think and not act I no longer qualify as having a disorder. They do recognise however that I do need assistance in changing the way I think.
They recommend contacting a dietitian and reading the following book:
Some of you know that I have started a process, for work accommodation, that involves obtaining my medical history (mental and physical) to determine my fitness for work.
About a month ago, I went to the hospital and met with various people for half a day. Prior to this meeting, I had filled out many questionnaires at home. We wound up discussing the same things for the most part but in some cases new information did emerge.
I believe this blog has helped me to come clean with medical professionals where before I would not say important things, robbing them of important information they needed. Here I have practiced opening up about all my issues. I used to not be able to talk about many of them. I was ashamed, I was told to not discuss these things. They must be hidden, a secret.
Here I broke the written wall of secrets and it helped me break the vocal wall.
This half day was only a beginning. I am meeting with another specialist later in the month to do a FULL mental history and what has been determined may be brought into question again. I will be meeting with this other specialist for 1.5 days. I will fill out many many more questionnaires. This will somewhat be a similar process that I went through with my son when they determined he was PDD-NOS.
Anyway, the initial result so far is that I am not bipolar according to the current DSM IV. The Bipolar III-NOS is not currently a valid diagnosis, it may be included in the next release of the manual but has not been accepted yet. The DSM V has been written and it set for release in 2013. This new manual changes the definition for some autism spectrum disorders as well as addiction disorders. I do not know yet is the new Bipolar will be included in this release. You can find some information about the new manual here or here
According to today's standard of diagnosis, it is Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder with chemical sensitivity to anti-depressants.
They also say that I do not currently have an eating disorder, that I most likely had one in the past and still have the mental distortion of the disorder. However, since I only think and not act I no longer qualify as having a disorder. They do recognise however that I do need assistance in changing the way I think.
They recommend contacting a dietitian and reading the following book:
In a society where a blemish or “bad hair” can ruin an otherwise perfect day and airbrushed abs dominate the magazine rack, many of us feel ashamed of our bodies. If dissatisfaction with your looks is a distressing preoccupation, this compassionate book offers a way to break free from the mirror. The author leads you through a step-by-step program that helps you fight the urge to spend hours “fixing” your skin and hair, working out, or shopping for flattering clothes. Reality-check exercises based on cognitive-behavioral therapy demonstrate how to identify unfounded beliefs about your appearance. Once you understand the negative thoughts and feelings that distort your self-image, you’ll be able to shed lengthy grooming rituals and overcome the embarrassment that keeps you from enjoying life.
I also have Social Anxiety Disorder. This has been determined due to my difficulties with doing interviews as well as my discomfort (mild word I assure you) with crowded situations. We also discussed how I avoid a variety of situations because of my discomfort. I recognise it but I am a little surprised that they did not note how dissatisfaction with my physical appearance is a large part of my discomfort.
There are several advantages to having my Social Anxiety Disorder recognised. The first is that I can get help for it. The second, I can get a medical certificate if the Disorder is the cause of not being able to do something. For example, if I want to apply for a job but the interview is too much for me to handle, I might be able to request it be done through a phone, or be allowed to have notes. Sure I will have to work on overcoming the Disorder, I get that, but until I succeed in overcoming, I have to live my life.
Also, this disorder is part of what is making my job so difficult at the moment. For years I have been coping, but it has spiralled out of control.
As far as the CFS and FM, nothing has changed. Still tired, still hurting. I am trying to do exercice but the push crash cycle hits and it's a very difficult balance to obtain.
Thanks for reading!
August 6, 2012
When Is It OK To Bring Your Pet With You?
Recently, as I walked into a second hand store, I noticed a sign on the door. The sign said that pets were no longer allowed in the store unless they were work pets (such as a Seeing Eye dog).
I recall going to that store and seeing, on a few occasions, an older lady who had her dog in the seat of her cart. I saw her on a few occasions with her dog. I believe I recall seeing her in other stores as well.
I am fairly certain that this sign was aimed at her. I am also fairly certain that the sign was a result of some people complaining to staff about her dog.
Who is right in this scenario?
Should people be bringing their pets into stores with them?
Does the kind of pet make a difference in this equation?
What if the pet is in a carrier?
People on each side of this issue are quite adamant they are right. If an employee of a store who let a client come in with their dog gets bitten, one camp will say it is the employee’s fault, the other will blame the dog and its owner.
Ethically, the statement: “Ones rights end where another’s rights begin” should prevail.
I mention this lady that I recall seeing. I feel that the sign I saw on the door of the store was aimed at her.
Why is that?
I recall her, specifically because she had her dog with her. If it was common practice for people to bring in their pets to stores, I would not recall her specifically. I would not assume that the sign was targeting her specifically.
Some pet stores allow people to bring their companions of the furry/scaly kind with them. I can assure you that in those stores it does not faze me at all to see a pet there and I do not recall the people.
A home renovation store used to not object to people bringing their pets. They had a policy against it but did not enforce it. Still very few brought in their pets. One day a little dog bit an employee. Reading the comment section of the news articles, it was astounding how many people blamed the employee and the store and how few blamed the owner or the dog.
Comments such as “My pet is part of my family. It should be allowed to go everywhere I go.” were predominant. I kept thinking my child is part of my family, yet I do not bring them into bars or strip clubs with me, why would I bring my cat?
Other commenters stated that it was not safe to leave an animal alone in the car. It is also not a good idea to leave a child alone in the car.
True, I am not prone to bring my pets with me. I leave at home, just like I leave my children at home when I am going somewhere where they should not be going. I think a very large section of the population behave this way. Why is it that some individuals see and cat differently? Why do some need to be told? Are they the ones who are right?
Whose rights should prevail?
August 3, 2012
Tribulations with Teksavvy.
A few months ago, I decided to switch Internet and phone provider (land line).
I felt that I was paying way too much with the provider I had been with up till then.
I researched companies online and decided to go with Teksavvy. I placed an order for both services on their website, including the fact that I wanted to port over my current phone number.
They claimed on their website that if porting over your number, you would not be charged regular installation fees.
You are charged with a new number though. They emailed me saying that there would be a delay of a week for the Internet as they had to activate the phone service first. They confirmed dates.
On the date in question the technician never came to my home, even though we had taken time off work to wait for him.
According to several calls and emails to Teksavvy everything was up and running but I was still getting my calls on my phone number through my cable company and the Internet was not working on the date they said it would. On that date, no technician came to the house either.
Follow a series of emails and calls with them saying that yes everything was up and running and my saying that no it is not. They said that if my house was not connected I would have to have a technician come and connect at my own charge. (Contrary to what they advertised)
Eventually we figured out a few things (after about a month)...
They had given me a new number and not ported my number over. They were calling me on my old number but had given me a new number.
Because they made a mistake in my activation order, it explained why no technician had ever come to my house. It explained why they wanted me to pay for the connection fees to transfer from cable service to "Bell" service. Once they figured out the problem, they informed me that it would take another month to activate me properly and I would be credited what I had already paid.
To boot, they charged me for a dry loop (which was eventually credited) to activate the DSL on my active phone line.
The delay to have my phone and Internet switched over was a full month for which Teksavvy billed me. With Teksavvy it works by advance billing.
I expected that my first month would be taken care of as I had paid the month where I had no service and I had been told that what I had already paid would cover me.
I was shocked to receive another bill. I call and ask why I am being billed. They say that I have to pay for the new month. I explain that I have already paid. I give her the full spiel of what had happened and the names and case numbers of the people I had spoken to. Eventually she saw that I was supposed to have a credit but told me that to have my service activated I had to pay this bill.
I wanted my service activated as I had cancelled my previous service provider. (I had not cancelled them initially which enabled me to still have a phone and Internet during this whole debacle. Which is a good thing as I would have been without phone or Internet and fixing the problem might have been a lot more difficult.)
So to this day I have not been credited that month. I am still 77$ in the hole.
Also, My high speed DSL from TekSavvy is slow as molasses. I recall my Internet which was one notch up from dial up in 2002 being the same speed.
They say you get what you pay for.
With Teksavvy, that is definitely the case.
Thanks for reading.
I felt that I was paying way too much with the provider I had been with up till then.
I researched companies online and decided to go with Teksavvy. I placed an order for both services on their website, including the fact that I wanted to port over my current phone number.
They claimed on their website that if porting over your number, you would not be charged regular installation fees.
You are charged with a new number though. They emailed me saying that there would be a delay of a week for the Internet as they had to activate the phone service first. They confirmed dates.
On the date in question the technician never came to my home, even though we had taken time off work to wait for him.
According to several calls and emails to Teksavvy everything was up and running but I was still getting my calls on my phone number through my cable company and the Internet was not working on the date they said it would. On that date, no technician came to the house either.
Follow a series of emails and calls with them saying that yes everything was up and running and my saying that no it is not. They said that if my house was not connected I would have to have a technician come and connect at my own charge. (Contrary to what they advertised)
Eventually we figured out a few things (after about a month)...
They had given me a new number and not ported my number over. They were calling me on my old number but had given me a new number.
Because they made a mistake in my activation order, it explained why no technician had ever come to my house. It explained why they wanted me to pay for the connection fees to transfer from cable service to "Bell" service. Once they figured out the problem, they informed me that it would take another month to activate me properly and I would be credited what I had already paid.
To boot, they charged me for a dry loop (which was eventually credited) to activate the DSL on my active phone line.
The delay to have my phone and Internet switched over was a full month for which Teksavvy billed me. With Teksavvy it works by advance billing.
I expected that my first month would be taken care of as I had paid the month where I had no service and I had been told that what I had already paid would cover me.
I was shocked to receive another bill. I call and ask why I am being billed. They say that I have to pay for the new month. I explain that I have already paid. I give her the full spiel of what had happened and the names and case numbers of the people I had spoken to. Eventually she saw that I was supposed to have a credit but told me that to have my service activated I had to pay this bill.
I wanted my service activated as I had cancelled my previous service provider. (I had not cancelled them initially which enabled me to still have a phone and Internet during this whole debacle. Which is a good thing as I would have been without phone or Internet and fixing the problem might have been a lot more difficult.)
So to this day I have not been credited that month. I am still 77$ in the hole.
Also, My high speed DSL from TekSavvy is slow as molasses. I recall my Internet which was one notch up from dial up in 2002 being the same speed.
They say you get what you pay for.
With Teksavvy, that is definitely the case.
Thanks for reading.
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