As you know, I am on sick leave till January and have applied for EI.
Well things are not going too well on that front.
I have been filing my reports, every week and two weeks... fastiduously since I stopped working, even for when I knew I would not qualify.
Eventually, work sent my ROE to EI. 3 weeks later. It was determined that I qualified from October 28th.
As I was paid sick leave for the 29th, that was declared on both my ROE and my report.
At first they said since I was getting sick leave for the whole two weeks that I would not qualify. I called to have that fixed. Thought it was fixed. She told me that on Thursday I would get the payment fot the first week and on Friday I would get my payment for the second week.
By the end of Thursday I had not gotten the money, figured it would be paid on Friday.
Friday I look at my account and see the second week but not the first.
So I call. They say that I had gotten earnings from working plus sick day so I qualified for nothing
I say I did not work or earn, they blame it on my ROE. Call my advisor to send in a corrected ROE. I contact my advisor, she says the ROE is correct.
She calls her support, spoke to Carole and had it confirmed that it was correctly done, I have to call back.
I call back and I get a third story, seems there was a new data entry error, something was not corrected.
Patty put me on hold to figure out how to correct it.
They all agree (the four people I spoke to, 2 the first day, 2 the second time) that I qualify for a little over 200 for that week but none can get it resolved it seems.
Mind you everytime I call I am on hold for 20-30 minutes...
Why can't my life be simple?
I would not need sick leave at all if my life was simple!
Thanks for reading.
November 16, 2012
November 11, 2012
An Update on Wind Mobile.
Please read this post first :
Re: Regarding the $200 service credit promo [T20121029005NS010Z843493]
Thank you for contacting WIND Mobile. I've taken a look into the account history and I found that you issue is still being investigated by our Back Office. We will contact you once everything has been sorted out. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us again via email. Alternatively, you could dial 611 on your WIND handset or call us, toll free, at 1-877-946-3184.
Thank you for choosing WIND,
Have a great day,
WIND Specialist
--- Original Message ---
On November 6, 2012 at 7:35 AM, "Marie-Louise" <> wrote:
I am writing to advise you that the issue has NOT been resolved, the credit is NOT on my invoice.
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 1:04 PM, <> wrote:
Hello Marie-Louise,
I am writing to advise you that the issue you were experiencing with the $200 service credit promo has been resolved.
You will be receiving your credits on your next invoice.
If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to get back in touch with us by calling 1-877-946-3184.
WIND Cares
611 ? from your WIND phone
Remember: You can always view your bills, check payment history, data usage, and more all online at:
Re: Regarding our Twitter conversation [T201210160085S010Z836144]
Thank you for contactign WIND. I apologize for the delay however your case is still being looked at by our back office team. You will be contacted by one of our representatives as soon as we have a resolution.
Again, thank you for contacting WIND and have a great day!
WIND Cares Team
**Reminder** you can pay your bills/top up, check your payment history/usage, and more all by dialing *123# from your WIND phone or by logging into your account at
BTW I thought this was interesting...
Re: Wind Mobile
Thank you for
finally replying though I will respectfully disagree.
I read stories about corporations abusing their power in
newspapers on a daily basis, including yours. It has also been
proven that when a company feels threatened to their
bottom line they become more cooperative. I can
only assume that this story is a conflict of interest for the
I will keep looking.
I will keep looking.
Re: Wind Mobile
Hi "Marie-Louise"
Thanks for the reminder.
Although you have a beef with Wind, we really don't get involved in customer disputes. Honestly, most companies do not respond to media coverage. They're not all of a sudden going to fix things because the Ottawa Sun decides to write a story. And we're not there to mediate disputes.
Good luck with them.
Don Ermen
Deputy Editor
Digital & Print
Ottawa Sun
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marie-Louise" <>
To: "ottsun city" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:05:10 AM
Subject: Re: Wind Mobile
What are my chances or getting a response to this email?
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Marie-Louise < > wrote:
I tweeted for assistance and was told to submit my story idea to this email address.
I am having a severe customer service issue with Wind Mobile. Some of my friends, though disgusted with what I am going through are making jokes about my troubles,
I agree going through so much hassled does start to make a person sound a bit looney. I tend to bring out the worst in companies, but eventually, I manage to get them to do the right thing. With Wind nothing seems to be working so I am doing the unthinkable, reaching out to the Media for assistance...
One lone client doesn't matter, you can abuse them and if they leave you lose just what 50 a month... it's a drop in the bucket... why care about the client?
But maybe with you help, they'll care a little more.
Now I am giving you a link to my blog... I wrote everything there, , let me know what you think...
Thanks for the reminder.
Although you have a beef with Wind, we really don't get involved in customer disputes. Honestly, most companies do not respond to media coverage. They're not all of a sudden going to fix things because the Ottawa Sun decides to write a story. And we're not there to mediate disputes.
Good luck with them.
Don Ermen
Deputy Editor
Digital & Print
Ottawa Sun
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marie-Louise" <>
To: "ottsun city" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 11:05:10 AM
Subject: Re: Wind Mobile
What are my chances or getting a response to this email?
On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 9:29 AM, Marie-Louise < > wrote:
I tweeted for assistance and was told to submit my story idea to this email address.
I am having a severe customer service issue with Wind Mobile. Some of my friends, though disgusted with what I am going through are making jokes about my troubles,
I agree going through so much hassled does start to make a person sound a bit looney. I tend to bring out the worst in companies, but eventually, I manage to get them to do the right thing. With Wind nothing seems to be working so I am doing the unthinkable, reaching out to the Media for assistance...
One lone client doesn't matter, you can abuse them and if they leave you lose just what 50 a month... it's a drop in the bucket... why care about the client?
But maybe with you help, they'll care a little more.
Now I am giving you a link to my blog... I wrote everything there, , let me know what you think...
November 8, 2012
Money Matters and Other Stuff.
So payday came and went without any deposit of any kind in my bank account. I was expecting to have a deposit of 3 days, my last deposit from work but that did not happen.
I tried to log in to My Service Canada Account, they changed the login credentials and do not recognize my server as being secure. I wanted to find out the status of my claim for EI as my work was finally supposed to send in my forms. So I called the toll free number and find out that they have not received my forms yet and my application timed out. I must now go to a local centre to start it back up again, I hope this does not cause too many delays as according to my form I received a pay this week (but didn't)
So a little stressed out. I have my line of credit to pay my mortgage and I did buy enough food to last a month or two so we are OK for now, but not for long.
Also, I am still awaiting my insurance reimbursement for my oral surgery.I hope to get it before a LOC payment is due.
My son's laptop finally died. The same day (or the next, not sure) he finds an old laptop in the garbage. which he was able to upgrade. This laptop, even though it has it's share of problem is better than his former Laptop.
I've been filling out insurance papers for assistance once the waiting period is due. I will need to send a copy to my family physician as well as something for my psychiatrist. Of course I will need to pay each doctor to fill out the form, unless my family doctor can get the information from my psychiatrist he needs to discuss previous sick leaves. They are asking for medical history for the last 5 years .
Shit I can't even remember what I did yesterday! Also they want to know when my symptoms first appeared. With chronic conditions like mine, that's a little tough so I decided to go with when they got worst.
3 years ago when I quit smoking. I was having problems before that but that's when things spiraled and never got back.
These papers are for income replacement is either my leave gets prolonged OR for my progressive return to work.
Speaking of return to work, I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday. She was discussing that I return to work now at 4 days a week.
Pardon my language!
I want help, I need help. Flipping at her would not have been acceptable but is it too much to ask that she be aware of my case when we see each other?
I know she has a lot of clients. She can't remember all of them. I know that, but maybe she can have some kind of quick notes that she reads and adjusts as needed to read before she sees a client?
She has receive reports from two sources that I am not bipolar, yet she keeps trying to treat my conditions as such. She has received reports of suggested treatments but ignores them (anti-depressants). She's got reports from 3 sources that I have issues with my eating and physical appearance but prescribes stuff that makes me gain weight, putting me at risk of a relapse.
She also forgets that she is not the one that put me on sick leave. That was the Health Canada doctor and my family physician. My sick leave has much more to do than me being bipolar...
I accepted the sacrifices needed to get better, I can't go back now before I start getting better, before therapy and rheumatologist have begun. If I go back now before anything happens, I lost income and my parking at work for nothing. I lost all my vacation days and sick leave for nothing. I will only go back to spiral at a greater speed.
For her to suggest I return to work now, at 4 days a week with my social phobia in full swing, to a job in client services, how can she keep her license?
Well that is it for now,
Thanks for reading, as always.
I tried to log in to My Service Canada Account, they changed the login credentials and do not recognize my server as being secure. I wanted to find out the status of my claim for EI as my work was finally supposed to send in my forms. So I called the toll free number and find out that they have not received my forms yet and my application timed out. I must now go to a local centre to start it back up again, I hope this does not cause too many delays as according to my form I received a pay this week (but didn't)
So a little stressed out. I have my line of credit to pay my mortgage and I did buy enough food to last a month or two so we are OK for now, but not for long.
Also, I am still awaiting my insurance reimbursement for my oral surgery.I hope to get it before a LOC payment is due.
My son's laptop finally died. The same day (or the next, not sure) he finds an old laptop in the garbage. which he was able to upgrade. This laptop, even though it has it's share of problem is better than his former Laptop.
I've been filling out insurance papers for assistance once the waiting period is due. I will need to send a copy to my family physician as well as something for my psychiatrist. Of course I will need to pay each doctor to fill out the form, unless my family doctor can get the information from my psychiatrist he needs to discuss previous sick leaves. They are asking for medical history for the last 5 years .
Shit I can't even remember what I did yesterday! Also they want to know when my symptoms first appeared. With chronic conditions like mine, that's a little tough so I decided to go with when they got worst.
3 years ago when I quit smoking. I was having problems before that but that's when things spiraled and never got back.
These papers are for income replacement is either my leave gets prolonged OR for my progressive return to work.
Speaking of return to work, I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday. She was discussing that I return to work now at 4 days a week.
Pardon my language!
I want help, I need help. Flipping at her would not have been acceptable but is it too much to ask that she be aware of my case when we see each other?
I know she has a lot of clients. She can't remember all of them. I know that, but maybe she can have some kind of quick notes that she reads and adjusts as needed to read before she sees a client?
She has receive reports from two sources that I am not bipolar, yet she keeps trying to treat my conditions as such. She has received reports of suggested treatments but ignores them (anti-depressants). She's got reports from 3 sources that I have issues with my eating and physical appearance but prescribes stuff that makes me gain weight, putting me at risk of a relapse.
She also forgets that she is not the one that put me on sick leave. That was the Health Canada doctor and my family physician. My sick leave has much more to do than me being bipolar...
I accepted the sacrifices needed to get better, I can't go back now before I start getting better, before therapy and rheumatologist have begun. If I go back now before anything happens, I lost income and my parking at work for nothing. I lost all my vacation days and sick leave for nothing. I will only go back to spiral at a greater speed.
For her to suggest I return to work now, at 4 days a week with my social phobia in full swing, to a job in client services, how can she keep her license?
Well that is it for now,
Thanks for reading, as always.
November 3, 2012
The Library = Another Dream
Hello all,
Just finished week number 4 of sick leave. This means that I get no more sick days from work and will have to subsist on EI from now on. It SCARES me! I had 3 weeks of vacation/sick days from work. I have one paycheck left coming for 3 days (rather than a full of 10 days) then my two weeks waiting not paid.... and last my EI. I assume that I will get my first payment in December... I am not ready.
So to not think about it, I am keeping myself as busy as I can. I may even have lost weight out of it. MAY
We did Halloween. Not as many kids as we had feared so that is good. It was a mild Halloween. Some took pictures so I am sure we will appear on the internet somewhere. See this post with last year's pics
We did Halloween. Not as many kids as we had feared so that is good. It was a mild Halloween. Some took pictures so I am sure we will appear on the internet somewhere. See this post with last year's pics
I have a few for this year:
Now I have 4 pumpkin to cook and freeze, 2 small, 2 larger. Definitely will collect the seeds for roasting.
This post is however called the library.
I have had this simple dream to have one of those library offices in my home. I dreamed of being surrounded by the books I love while writing my novels.
Of course, it's not finished Can't leave all those wood colors so painting is required. Then go though the house, grab most of the books and fill those shelves. Well painting may come after or mid-way through. Soon as I pick my color.
See those nice GORM shelves I had one at home but needed more so I bought 3 from one seller on Used Ottawa and and 1 from another seller from Used Ottawa. Well even though they were all GORM shelves they were all different! These shelves come with only 4 levels and I needed more. As you see below, I still managed to make it work! HA! to you IKEA changing the models.!!!!
By the way this room used to be the guest bedroom. I
exchanged the two room last week That room still has a way to go. I have plenty to do around the house to keep myself busy another two months. Hopefully, before I go back to work, this place will be home.
Well thanks for reading.
Just finished week number 4 of sick leave. This means that I get no more sick days from work and will have to subsist on EI from now on. It SCARES me! I had 3 weeks of vacation/sick days from work. I have one paycheck left coming for 3 days (rather than a full of 10 days) then my two weeks waiting not paid.... and last my EI. I assume that I will get my first payment in December... I am not ready.
So to not think about it, I am keeping myself as busy as I can. I may even have lost weight out of it. MAY
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This was the early stage of decorations |
I have a few for this year:
We did Halloween. Not as many kids as we had feared so that is good. It was a mild Halloween. Some took pictures so I am sure we will appear on the internet somewhere. See this post with last year's pics
I have a few for this year:
Now I have 4 pumpkin to cook and freeze, 2 small, 2 larger. Definitely will collect the seeds for roasting.
This post is however called the library.
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See those padded photo album, done by me with the kids baby blankets...
Well rather than writing novel it's a blog... Plus I don't have the funds to make it as opulent as I desired but I started it with GORM shelves from IKEA and a few other shelves I had lying around.
Of course, it's not finished Can't leave all those wood colors so painting is required. Then go though the house, grab most of the books and fill those shelves. Well painting may come after or mid-way through. Soon as I pick my color.
![]() |
We do have enough books in the house to fill all these shelves. I should remember to post pictures once fully done |
By the way this room used to be the guest bedroom. I
Well thanks for reading.
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