January 27, 2013

Life Goes On

As you know I am back at work and my silver lining luck is holding out.

What is silver lining luck you say?  Sounds good does it not?

Silver lining luck is bad luck with a silver lining.  Bad luck that could have been worst but was saved from the worst scenario by a smidgen.

Last time I had to file my EI report for my last week of EI, I had to call then because I declared that I had returned to work the second week of my report.  It took a few days to reach them so my half payment was delayed by a few days.

Last week I found out that my paycheck would be delayed (or reduced?) as I had an over-payment of vacation.

I have no money and bad things happen but it could be a lot worst.  For example, I have food to feed us, I have a roof over our head and during the worst of the deep freeze we were warm.  I also have a car that works, has good tires and gas in it. Now I am scared that insurance will not cover me as I probably screwed up the phone interview but at least my part-time pays as much as full EI. It would be nice to have more as my bills are more and the cost of going to work (gas\parking) is putting a further strain on my budget, it could definitely be worst.

Another new thing that is happening is that I have started group therapy for social phobia.  It's too early to tell if it will work yet but we seem to have a good group.  By their reaction to some things I can tell we have a lot in common.  By the end of the first session, their was already some small bit of bonding going on (that's pretty good for people dealing with social anxiety disorder).  I did sign a confidentiality agreement so there is a lot that I can't share, but I can admit to being in a group.  I have hopes that this group will help with my discomfort around people.  It may not cure the revulsion part.  (Natural part of a person who doesn't like people over much working in client service for too many years.)

On a side note, it's almost tax time.  I hate doing my taxes but I LOVE getting refunds.  I hope I will get a refund again this year, it will help a lot.

Well that's it for now, thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. SSSSSHHHHIIIIITTTTT! By being so positive here I tempted fate didn't I? Silver lining luck keeps happening.

    Car got broken, More money was missed because my papers got lost for 3 weeks (not covered by insurance for those 3 weeks, not even retroactivity) Cat got sick More stuff broken in the last week... Keeps getting better folks... I'm not even sharing all of it.


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