Some of you may know that over the last few years I have gotten quite fat. Sometime since 2006 I have gained well over a 100 pounds. I did start off as too thin, so some of that weight was fine, but then between medications that make you gain weight, activity levels that have gone down because of constant exhaustion and pain, that bit of weight that may have been necessary has ballooned to way way way too much weight.
The weight did not go one super fast but neither was it an overly slow process. I did try to stall the progress a few times without much success.
Ever since I started gaining, I have hated myself, hated what my body was becoming. To make matters worst, the pain and exhaustion that started it all has progressively gotten worst, making it that much more difficult to do the physical activity needed to assist in weight loss.
So even though I have been thinking about loosing weight for quite some time now, I have only recently begun a "diet". I started restricting calories on August 11, 2014. Unfortunately I did not weight myselft before starting so I have no idea what my starting weight was. I only weighed myself at the two week mark.
The good news is that I weight less than I thought I did. So I have been feeling heavier than I actually am, that's a good thing, the bad news is that I had no way of knowing if the efforts I had been making for two weeks had any effect. But now I at least have a reference point. I will weight myself again in a little while to see if there is any difference.
I would like to lose about 80 pounds (37 Kg or 6 stones). I figure, with my current calorie restriction, I should lose about 2 pounds a week. (Quite honestly, 5 would be so much better but until I can manage to do more excercise, that is not a realistic expectation). At this rate, it would take about 9 months to reach my goal weight. (Just in time for next summer!)
I would really really really like to lose weight. I really hope this works. I am not that confident that it will due to my previous failures, but it would be so darn nice if it finally did work.
At least I am not doing the first leg of this diet by myself. My daughter also feels she has a bit of weight to lose, so she is dieting along with me. She cheats a bit more than I do, but she is also quite a bit more physically active than I am, so she can get away with consuming more calories anyway.
I get so many cravings though. Chips, cake, BACON! Bread.
I am not a big chocolate or pop (soda) drinker, so not having any of those is not a big issue.
I am also more hungry than the amount of food I can intake, even the healthy kind. It's amazing how fast calories add up. I have researched healthy ways of reducing appretite, nothing works very well so far.
I hope that if and when I weigh less, moving my body around will become a tad easier, that my legs will be able to carry this body of mine furhter.
Well wish me luch and thank you for reading.
For any of you that have read this post I will provide an update. I weighed myself at the 6 week mark and found out I had not lost any weight. I was consuming 1200 calories a day and increased my walks but it was not enough. I stopped the dieting for bit as I was so discouraged. I do plan on starting up again but right now, knowing that in 4 weeks of restricting did nothing just makes me want to cry.