February 4, 2012

The Annual Physical

I recently went for my annual physical.

I shouldn't call it annual, cause I procrastinate as much as I humanely can and wind up doing it maybe every 2.5 years or so, depending on how forceful the physician can be.

Considering I had severe Cervical Dysplasia that turned malignant during treatment and they had to get aggressive to save my life, I really am the poster person for knowing the importance of getting a physical (including the dreaded pap smear) on a regular basis.  My Cervical Dysplasia has not recurred in about 18 years or so, but that doesn't mean it will never come back.

With a diagnosis of CIN 3, which is also sometimes called carcinoma in situ, the dysplasia will be treated aggressively, since by definition all or almost all of the epithelial layer is dysplastic, and the next step would be cancer. (http://www.baymoon.com/~hpvinfo/library/bldyspcin3.htm)

If the abnormality has progressed to the point where it has become malignant, the diagnosis is cervical cancer, and will go through a different round of evaluation and treatment. For more information about cervical cancer, see that section of this site, or the information below. http://www.baymoon.com/~hpvinfo/library/bldyspcancer.htm

I know when I went a few years (5-6) without a physical, I did become quite afraid that it might have come back and progressed to a higher level (Stage 3) BUT it was only the fibromyalgia rearing it's ugly head.

 Anyway, back to the physical.  Usually when you go get a physical, it's an annoying routine, you usually don't expect anything to come out of it.  Especially the way that my former doctor did my physical, she did not even bother with blood tests, just pap smear, weight, blood pressure and heart rate.

This time my physical was all inclusive, with the above mentioned, PLUS breast exam, blood test for everything under the sun (being a new doctor he probably opted for the full screening as he saw in the imported file that I had complained about various things), checking my lung functions, asking a multitude of questions.

He had requested the blood test be done prior to the physical to he could have them on that day.  During the physical, he brought up the results of my tests.  He was somewhat concerned with the readings for my creatinine, sodium, chloride and potassium.  He asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease.  (when he asked I thought he meant polycystic ovary syndrome)  I responded no (both counts the answer is no, so everything turned out OK) So he decided to sent me for another blood test to see if the results are repeated.  (sometimes the results can be due to a mistake or a fluke)

We discussed my blood pressure which he wants improved (140/60) and my cholesterol ratio was about 5, so he wants to see that improved too. MY LDL is OK, a little high but within normal range, however my HDL is a little low.  Gotta eat more FISH  (and not tuna).  My heart rate is 67 which is pretty good for an old fat out of shape person!!!.

As for the blood test, technicians don't like me.

I have small, deep rolling veins...  On top of that, my hands and arms tend to be swollen lately. The poor technicians have a really hard time finding veins in my arms, and even in my hand.  They tend to get rather nervous cause when they miss and have to restart it can get rather painful.  Both technicians, the first one as well as the second one had a really hard time  finding a vein.  Poor things.

Anyway, now I have to wait a month to find out if my kidneys are fine after all.  They probably are.  My aches and pains are usually related to me fibro and are all in my head, no reason for things to be different now.

Well thanks for reading.

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