We are in March
Typically in March you expect this kind of weather
March 2008
What you don't expect is this kind of weather
March 2012
In the last week , our weather has been in the 20's (Celsius) and feeling in the 30's (Celsius) Usually it's the - 20's so as you can guess we are ecstatic yet confused.
Considering the beautiful weather, we have been thinking of spending more time outside. My daughter and son have done some chalk drawings already (They were erased within 24 hours by a massive thunderstorm. We got two of those) and I have started getting a hankering to eat outside. Last night I decided to do some "spring cleaning" outdoors. I only did the back yard (fibro and all) and didn't even fully finish that, but it is looking much nicer already. I set up our table and chairs (I'll need to paint those this year, any idea which colour I should go with?) and placed the garbage bins in one area. Placed my pot holders on the fence. What made the biggest difference though is the poop is GONE!.
As many of you know I have recently bought a house. The previous owners had two dogs, one large dog and a small one. I believe that once the sale was signed, they stopped scooping the pooping. The back yard was rather full of poop. There was also a lot of garbage here and there.
Tonight I will rake the front yard. There is a bit of garbage there too. Since the front yard is not as big of a job I may go back to the back yard and clean a little more there. Maybe screw in the hose holder and wrap that up all nice.
The inside of the house is not all done yet. Who knows when it will all be done. I did find a place to bring all my electronic scraps to be recycled. I have 2 TVs, a PC monitor (yeah mine died) and a bin full of computer components and laptop components and a DVD player. Most of those have broken in the last month and would cost too much to repair. I hope to be able to bring all of that this weekend as well as make a trip to Sally Ann to get rid of a donation box or two. (All about making some room in the house)
Also, I should be able this weekend to go get my BBQ (it was left at the rental as it was stuck in ice but now that all is melted and the rental is not yet rented I can go get some of my stuff!) While there I will look to see if there is other outside stuff I can bring along (more of my bricks and maybe a perennial or two????)
Of course I am talking about going to get stuff that was supposed to be lost with the move. It would be nice to not lose them after all but I should not not get my hopes up. This early good weather has made some things possible we thought would not be possible (like cleaning the back yard...at the old place humm maybe even take the carpet? NAW....)
Well I guess that is all my update for now.
Thanks for reading.