Sometimes I just cannot believe what some people have the GALL to put out there. So much hate and viciousness with a good does of denial? There are a lot of misinformed people with some pretty nasty opinions.
Take this winter holiday debate. The Christians are coming out in full force these last few years with the Merry Christmas thing. They are telling people that if they don't celebrate Christmas to "go home", to get the hell out of THEIR country.
I find that extremely small minded.
It sounds like a lot of these comments come from non practicing Christians to boot!
I read this somewhere:
Christians seem to have a really hard time with that concept lately.
I don't have an issue with Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Felice Navidad, Happy Hannukah and al nom,.
I'll wish them to you if I know what you celebrate, if I don't, I will say Happy Holidays.
I don't mind people wishing me Merry Christmas, if I am allowed to respond with Have a Merry Yule, or hope you enjoy the Solstice, or even Happy Saturnalia! What I find is that people generally do not accept my greeting, they want me to abide by their religion.
That's right, I am not Christian, yet I am Canadian.
I and my ancestors have been in Canada for a very long time. My Caucasian ancestors can be traced back to the 1600's, and my Native American ancestors can be traced back MUCH FURTHER THAN ANYONE TELLING TO GET OUT OF THEIR COUNTRY OR TO GO HOME!
I AM HOME, THIS IS MY COUNTRY. I am allowed by MY Charter of rights and Freedoms to practice my own religion.
If I want Father winter and Mother earth rather than Santa and angels, let me. I let you have your beliefs and decorations, give me the space to enjoy mine.
I hate it when people come in my home and criticize how I decorate my home, for the simple reason that it is not done the way they think it should be done, that it is not in the colour or theme they like. Do I go in your home and do that? No because I show respect when I am in your home. I will even make an effort to compliment something about your home.
Also the argument that I take a paid day off on your holiday. If you gave me a paid day off on my holiday, I would gladly work at regular time on your holiday. BTW Boxing day is not a religious holiday in this country. But it would be much too complicated to give every beleif system a paid day off on their holiday, so everyone gets the same day.
Please remember that December 25th is based on a pagan festival, and scriptures actually indicate that Christ was actually more than likey born in May or April. So December 25th is not even a TRUE Christian holiday if you look at it that way, it is mearely a tradition based on a pagan festival.
I could rant about all this for hours. I am in a fed up of non acceptance mode, I have been dealing with it for much too long. But I will leave it at this for now.
Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas...Hannukah... Kwanzaa... Yule... Saturnalia... Soltice...Pancha Ganapati... Yalda... Dies Natalis Solis Invicti... Malanka... Festivus...Human Light... and so many more I have missed...
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