December 8, 2011

Who really cares?

So this morning I was reading some interesting blogs under the depression or bipolar theme

To name but a few.  These are people who seem to be going through some of what I go through.  Not all of them are positive writers, nor are they all negative.  They say it like it is.  Just like I think I am doing, like I try to do.

Somehow they come off as much more interesting than I am.  I guess I am still in that dark place where such things matter to me, when they really shouldn't.  They all definitely have more followers than I do (Thank you Felicia).  Sure I did manage to get over 1000 views in 3 months (Thanks largely to my family and people from Russia.  HELLO RUSSIA!) but no one comments.  It's like no one cares.  People comment on those other blogs, either to congratulate or show support, but I don't deserve any of that.

Why is my life of no consequence?

Why am I boring?  Why can I not help myself?

My mom would love it if I got published one day.  But you only get published for being interesting.  Sure I have a lot to say.  But it's not about having things to say, it's about others wanting and willing to listen to you.  It's about belonging in the crowd, the universe.

I should write only for the joy of writing, only for the need to share.  I should really not care if anyone wants to hear what I have to say.

I have travelled quite the distance in how important (or non-important) I am in the last few years.  While driving to work I was just thinking about how Lindsay Lohan's song Rumour described how I felt in 2005-2006.

But I can tell that you're watching me
And you're probably gonna write what you didn't see
Well, I just need a little space to breathe
Can you please respect my privacy

Why can't you just let me do
The things I wanna do
I just wanna be me
I don't understand
Why would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun
I'm gonna live my life (but not the way you want me to)

I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is

It probably never really was that bad, but there were a lot of rumours about who I was or wasn't doing at the time.  That workplace was worst than a high school! (Felicia may remember as that is where I met her) Now, I strongly doubt anyone has anything to say about me, good or bad.

In 2008-2009 people were saying nice things about me, like that I would go far.  I was desired on a professional level, the rumours were good.  People thought I was smart and wanted to be part of my surrounding, making something of themselves by association.

Then I quit smoking, had a panic attack.  Things started to spiral downwards.  I went on sick leave for a month to try and get better.  It didn't work came back and became the one that could do nothing right.  Tried changing environments, but still continued to get worst.

Now I am just boring.  Just something to avoid like the plague.

I watch as others have taken the place I once had.

It sucks.

I want my life back

I want to be interesting again but fear it will never happen.  I am doomed.  I no longer belong, anywhere.

Thanks for reading, (the few of you who do)


  1. Hey you, I'm sorry I don't come by more often, for some reason you don't show up in my reader... I will try to figure out what that's about.

    You are not uninteresting.

    Have you been researching blogging at all? A lot of it has to do with Search Engine Optimization and Keywords. Basically the same thing actually. Take the title of today's post for example. "Who really Cares" isn't something people might search for on Google. "Feeling misunderstood" "Feeling Left Out" are examples of better (though not great, off the top of my head) titles. Even in the body of your text, you need to insert keywords that people might search. This will attract search engine traffic.

    As for followers, it's kind of about whoring yourself out... LOL I'm on twitter, blogcatalog,, broowaha,, and a few more networks I can't think of. I've joined forums, post links and tweet incessantly.

    You are not not interesting. You just need to get more visibility. Commenting on other blogs is a good way as well.

    Remember that comments aren't always what they are cracked up to be - check out my post on Bipolar Disorder and Employment to see what I mean.

    Keep on trucking girl.

    And yes, I remember, that place was a living hell, complete with a red haired devil... ;)-

  2. You might want to visit this post as well, she offers some great insight. xx

  3. Hey, I read your blog all the time, but am sometimes too shy to comment. I also don't want to come across as "cyber-stalking" you, lol. I rarely do status updates on Facebook because I don't know what to say. I always try to think of something clever but it never sounds right in my head.

    The red haired devil, is that who I think it is? G.R.? Or is it the other one (can't remember her name right now...the fashion police?) Or am I totally off-track?

    Linda xo

  4. Oh, and by the way, I CARE...

  5. LOL Linda... I never said that. (so don't try to say I did, or I'll deny it) LOL!!!!

  6. OH BTW, fixed my follow problem, and added you to the blogroll on my blog. And I care too xx

  7. Hello,
    This is my first time to visit and I can totally identify with the things you are saying. I blog too and there are seldom comments, but then occasionally someone tells me that they read my blog. Lots of people read and don't leave comments so the lack of comments is not because NO ONE reads your stuff.
    I identify with your comment about being boring. Since I have had to give up so many activities because of this illness, and also I have simply lost interest in a lot of things because of it, I too feel like I might be boring, I am certainly sometimes boring to myself, but that is just a thought, and we who suffer from depression have a lot of thoughts which simply are not true! Anyways, I am going to follow you for awhile and check in now and then. I will even try and leave a comment! Don't give up, I'm praying for you.


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