July 30, 2012

Collection Agencies

I have a lot of collection agencies calling my house

None of them calling for me  (other than the one collecting on behalf of Blue Power)

They call for Lee Beauchamp, Clive Faubert but mostly for Tanja Young.

I have called all of the collection agencies back to "deal with them".  The one that was calling for me, after months of dealing with the issue, it has finally been resolved.  I didn't owe anything, it was the company's mistake.

It's settled.

The one calling for Lee Beauchamps, after my calling them, they ceased calling.

The one for Clive Faubert (The guy who lived at my previous address up till 2003.  We moved in 2005 and lived there till 2012.  The place had been empty for at least two years before we moved in.)  I don't get why they are even calling.  If the guy is still alive and they are using his address from 2003, surely this is beyond the statute of limitation, unless it's a student loan.  Anyway I called the company back, they said oops sorry, we won't call anymore, and yet they continue calling.

The ones for Tanja Young.  Very rude people and they keep calling no matter what.  There are several calling for her.  Even writing to these companies and stating that she does not reside with me, has not been living with me in the last 2.5 years, I don't know where she is or what she is doing and please stop calling, they do not and will not stop calling.

Having these bottom feeders calling me everyday, several times a day, leaving messages, being rude to my family is highly annoying.

I pay my bills.  I have an outstanding credit rating because I pay my bills.  I have even paid in full credit that I co-signed for other people who have defaulted because not paying affected my reputation and my score.  I figured I was stupid enough to co-sign and trust these poor excuses for humanity, I deserved the punishment.  I refuse to pay for debts that I did not cosign or vouch for, nor gotten any benefit for.  I think being stuck paying about $30 000 of other people's debts on top of my own is more than enough.  I should not have to keep paying other people's debts, nor should I have to be harassed by their collections agencies for their unpaid debts.

At this point, it looks like I will have to change my number, but this in no way guarantees that they will stop calling.  There is this thing called "skip-tracing".  It's how they call me.  They call me cause I live or lived at the addresses of the people defaulting.  Whether or not I know there people makes no difference to these bottom feeders, they harass and harass.  They don't follow the legislation governing them. (if told they have the wrong number and don't know who they are calling for, they are supposed to stop calling. They are not supposed to have contact more than three times a week and leaving a message counts)  You can't call the cops, all they say is pay the debt.  Why would I pay a stanger's debt is beyond me.  Even if I knew the person, I think the fact that they are not longer in my life says something.

I wish there was enforceable legislation to control these bottom feeders.

The culprits are

NCO Financial
A1 Credit Recovery
International Debt Collection

Well thanks for reading.


  1. Just curions, have you tried not answering or just saying wrng number and hanging up?

  2. Hi Felicia,

    We have tried not answering, it leaves a message on our answering service, Tried answering, it's a machine, can't speak to a live agent. Called back to tell them they have the wrong number, they say sorry we won't call anymore but they keep calling. I emailed them to ask them to stop calling me, that has not worked. I've been getting several collection agencies calling for Tanja Young for close to three years. I know she defrauded the government, those debts don't die out as fast. One company told me they were collecting for Telus. (hum giving out too much info but they were convinced I was her but pretending.) Worst thing is I am not even sure changing my number will stop the collection calls.


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