December 18, 2011

Nasty Fibro Day

Yesterday was one of those days for sure.

I am not the only fibro sufferer in my area to have felt it, so there MUST have been something in the air in the last few days.

I know I had one of my own personal triggers, (Monthlies, yeah ewww!) one that affects all of my conditions and multiplies them tenfold.

I however do not think that was the only thing gong on because of the other sufferers out there.  They certainly did not have my trigger going on and they still had flares without warning.

For me, my day started with waking up to back pain.

I have to admit, it had been a while since I had truly woken up to back pain.  The gabapentin was definitely keeping that at bay until yesterday.  At least I think it was the gabapentin..  It might just have been a coincidence.  Now remember, the gabapentin was prescribed by my psychiatrist for the depression and bipolar.  Well so far it's having zero effect on the depression, it has not been getting any better.

Hummm, that's not quite true, technically, being less "tired", sleeping better and having less pain did have in itself a positive effect on my mood, how could it not?  This positive effect was not enough to lift me out of my depression as the problems have continued to increase and multiply.  The stress level has also continued to go up.  Pain wise, well the whole sprained ankle (2nd degree double sprain thank you) kinda prevented me from full pain relief.

So back to yesterday, I woke up with nasty back pain.  The kind that shoots down your legs and makes walking difficult.  It's called sciatica I believe?  I got up and slowly walked down the stairs hugging the ramp and the walk as I went down.  The legs were hurting pretty bad, and with the ankle protesting it took all I had not to cry out.

I have to admit I was trying to remember I had or not taken the gabapentin the day before.  Indeed I had taken it I was sure, both doses, the morning one and another before bed.  No reason for me to be in so much pain.

I also had my neck and shoulder pain.  Those with fibro probably know this pain, it's right beneath the shoulder blade   Feels like someone hit us with a large mace.  It radiates.

The ulnar nerve in my right arm was also flaring and it seemed like every injury I had ever had was new and fresh.

So yesterday, even though I wanted to do some cleaning and packing, I did very little.  I vacuumed for sure, cleaned the cat litters upstairs, checked all the requirements for the forms I needed to submit, but did actually get around to getting all the stuff together..  I did state packing a box in the basement, clean a little bit in the basement and start a load of laundry (out of the 10 I needed to do).

When my daughter came home from her university exam (yeah, she has exams early in the morning on Saturday and late on Sunday evening, HOW TOTALLY SUCKY RIGHT?) we went out for errands and a bit bit of holiday shopping for the cats.  We did 7 stores in 4 hours and I spent way too much money.

Came back home to my son having his friend over.. argh.  I was in so much pain at that point from all the walking all I wanted to do was sit in my recliner.  I have a recliner that massages you know, but rarely use it.

Making supper was so totally out of the question, we went out to Subway.  I had a tuna sandwich.  People I never have tuna sandwich, I think my body was giving me that craving for some of it's nutritional properties... (Omega Acids maybe?)

Anyway, that was my yesterday,  too many of my days / weekends wind up being like this.

As my neighbour says, that is not a life.  One does have to live and somehow find a way to be happy.

As usual, thanks for reading!

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