June 7, 2012

Cost of Living Just Keeps Going Up!

When I went grocery shopping last weekend, I was shocked by the total at the cash.


My cart was not full, I had not gotten anything expensive, in fact a big part of my purchase was ramen on special @ 0.20$ a pop!

I bought bread, milk, wieners.  Basics, cheap basics, and somehow my grocery bill hit the ceiling.

And here our ministers are telling us that we should take any job, that minimum wage is being frozen.

I make decent money and I freak out over the cost of food.  Sure a big part of it is because my debt load is a little higher than I can handle right now.  Trying to pay it off sooner rather than later so I can breathe faster but with inflation hitting us the way it is, I don't know how this will be possible.    

The Canadian economy is not looking very rosey.  Sure they say jobs are being created but when the jobs being lost are those at 50 000/60 000/year and those being created are in the range of part-time minimum wage, I don't know how those people will be able to afford feeding themselves and their families.

The only positive thing I see of this whole thing is that if parents are broke and can barely afford to buy food, they may be less inclined to buy their kids the latest technologies and games.  Other kids may start feeling less deprived.    

On the other hand, food banks may have a hard time helping everyone.  If those donating now need their services.   Scary

I know that the cost of living has always gone up and generally humans have gotten through it just fine.

 There has also been potato famines, the great depression and so on.  Why does the pendulum have to swing so far in each direction for the populace to wake up and smell the coffee?  Why is it so hard for us to remember what really counts?

I get the distinct impression that if there was less affluence I probably would feel less deprived, and so  would my children.

To be fair, by looking and comparing the Consumer Price Index between 2011 and 2012, the cost of living increase has somewhat slowed down, yet we are still struggling to adjust to last year's increases.

Well thanks for reading!

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