October 11, 2011

Consumerism, gadgets and gizmos.

The bane of my existence.

The need to "compete" with other people's gizmos and gadgets.

The need to have the latest this and that, the bigger, the faster electronic.

The teasing and bullying involved, from all walks of life, if you have not "bought in" to the latest version or upgrade.

Being a techno-peasant, I would be perfectly happy with older models of many things. I have a computer (which was given to me) that has 600 gigabytes and have only used 60 or so in the year since I got it. Before that I had a 20 gigabyte PC for years and had again not filled it up. Now they sell PC's with 60 terabytes??? Why????

The IPhone, IPad, IPod, new versions released every 6 months or so, making the older version obsolete, at least in the eyes of consumers.

Game systems, PS2, PS3, Wii, Connext, DS, Gameboy, Game Cube, PSP (2000, 3000 and what next?)
You are nothing in this world if you don't have the latest system?

What happened to having VALUES!, What happened to being entertained by your IMAGINATION?
Remember play dough?, building blocks?, cardboard?, and so many more things? What about playing games outside, with people?

They invented games to make people exercise? Really? You want to play golf, go out to the golf field, same with dancing, running, soccer and all those other sports. You are not good at it, well life is like that... You can't be good at everything.

I was sitting in the back of the bus one day and a bunch of teenagers were talking about their various gadgets and they were comparing who had the best and latest. It was obvious that to total of their worth was based on this comparison. I could only imagine a school yard full of this type of comparisons. I can imagine people asking to prove their worth (Show me!)

Take kids with poor social skills and whose parents are not making loads of money. This kid has no chance in today's schools. They get teased and beaten up merely for not having the latest gadgets.
Parents are being told that they are inadequate because their children have to fend with older versions (2-3 years old).

This CRAP  utter and total CRAP is the cause of 90% of the problems I have with my son  This CRAP is what moves him to violence.  It's always a video-game, a system or a computer that he NEEDS to compete.  He NEEDS for his friggen happiness.

What is this world coming to? I pity today's youth.

Well thanks for reading.

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