January 29, 2012

The new house - With boxes galore!!!

Front door (full of boxes, but then again the whole house is still full of boxes)

The washroom with the deep tup

My daughter's room (purple wall) and the guest bedroom (Can't go in right now)
My bedroom

Kitty Condo

The office

Da linen closet
Dining room


Dining room again

Kitchen again

Hallway nook

Hallway leading to front door

Living room from one end (lots of unpacking I know)

Living room from the other end


  1. Congratulations on your new home. Remember, slow and steady wins the race!! I have been in my apartment for 4 months now and I still have my spare bedroom to finish organizing. Give yourself time, and more importantly, forgive yourself. You WILL get organized, you WILL get better. One thing at a time.

    Linda xo

  2. Thanx Linda,

    BTW you and Storm are invited into my boxed home anytime. I won't make you work next time....


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