January 6, 2012

Pet Peeves, or Things That Annoy Me

We all have those things that happen or other people do that really annoy or irritate us.

I, being bipolar and therefore easy to irritate obviously have my own list.

I also most likely do a whole bunch of stuff that massively irritate other people no doubt.  (Interrupting is one of the biggest annoying things that I do.  Sometimes I interrupt because the story I am hearing is a repetition or much too long, but there is still a much better way of handling the situations.  I know there are more but.... enough for now)

So on to the list of stuff that annoys me.

  1. People who stand in front of doors.
 I know there are circumstances where there is no other choice and I understand those but I see many people who just do it, no matter when and where.  Places where this happens is elevators, buses, malls, anywhere where there is a door really.

I hate it when I am trying to get into an almost empty elevator and the person is standing in front of the door, not getting out.  I also hate it when I get to my floor and need to get off but someone is standing right in front of the door blocking my way out (inside or outside)

The same goes for buses.  I have had people step off buses and stop right there to light a smoke or look for something in a purse.  I am right behind them and can't get off.  I have rammed into people stopping just outside the door of a mall (to light up again).  Why is it so hard to wait a second or two more until you have cleared the door?  I used to be a smoker, I understand the urge, but come on, we are talking seconds here, not minutes or hours...

   2.   People who keep interrupting me  (Ironic isn't it?)

Sure there are exceptions here too, if someone adds to a story or wants clarification of something I just said, sometimes the interruption is a good thing.  There are people however who do not really listened to what you have to say and interrupt about:
  •   stuff that is totally irrelevant to the conversation,  or
  •   to ask a question that you have JUST answered (had they listened), or 
  •   to ask question after question about stuff you would be getting to if they just shut up and listened.
Working in a call centre this happens all the time, over and over, several times a day.  It is absolutely draining.

    3.  People who take more than they need because it's "free".

You know these people, there is a bowl of samples and rather than take one, they will take like 10 or 15, while the next person in line doesn't get one.  Even worst, the people of means who take supplies that have been made available for free or low cost to help the needy, and the needy winds up not having any.

I guess this could be defined as greed.

   4.  People who tell a depressed person to stop being so negative or tell them to shut up about their sadness.  (This is VERY COMMON)

Depressed people need help and they need to be heard.  To tell them to shut up and/or pretend everything is fine in essentially telling them it's OK to go and kill themselves.  To turn away from them because they bring you down is in my opinion selfish and self-centered.

NOTE:  I agree that some people do it for the drama and to be the centre of attention only.  I have seen it.    The first reaction should not be to ignore them or to tell them to stop.  Investigate first, be caring until proven otherwise.

  5. People who always say "Me and (whoever else it is that was with them)"

I was taught, in school that you always named yourself LAST.  This was a grammatical RULE

You are supposed to say "(Other person(s)) and me (or I depending)".  At least I think it was a rule, I was taught it in school and we got slapped every time we put ourselves first.

I looked it up it was not grammar, it was etiquette...

A common ungrammatical dialectal construct in U.S. English is "Me and Maureen ate all our kohlrabi." Grammarians who try to write rules for language rather than describe the ones that are already there, "prescriptive grammarians," found two problems with such constructions. First, the Subject contains an Object pronoun: "me." Second, the placement of "me" before the name of someone else was at one time considered impolite. Of course, politesse has nothing to do with grammar, that is, what is right or wrong in speech.

The result is that prescriptive grammar books used in U.S. schools for years have taught children to avoid constructions like "me and X" in favor of "X and I," where "X" represents any other noun or pronoun referring to a human being. They seldom make clear that this rule applies only in the Subject position. The critical grammatical rule, that "I" appears only in the Subject while "me" must be used in all Object positions gets lost in the concern for etiquette.

I was wrong... but STILL, etiquette stated that it was a bad thing.  In today's society most rules of etiquette and politeness have disappeared.  People have taken the choice and putting themselves first not matter what and screw the rest.

I know I am not perfect... goodness knows I am not.  The fact that I have few friends show that I am a person that is annoying.  People don't like to be around me for definite reasons.  People are not as prone to want to help me as they are others.  The few friends I have I cherish and want to know how to keep them but being socially inadequate, I am completely clueless as to how to proceed to make these few friends happy and want to keep me around.   The fact that I whine and complain all the time is no doubt largely to blame  (Just like this... I know I know)

I do think that if the above, or what causes the above to happen were fixed, this world would be a much better place.

Well thanks for reading.

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