January 16, 2012

Slowly Taking Shape

Another story about the big move.

Last weekend, as a result of my daughter expressing that "there was no more room" for the loads I kept bringing in, we decided to dedicate part of the weekend to unpack and place in the new house rather than pack and clean the old house as we usually do.

A little bit did get done in the old house anyway as it was garbage night on Sunday and well did have to gather up some of the garbage to put it out, and I also did some hole patching, curtain and shelf removing. Stuff that did not require making huge loads to the new house.

We did bring the Internet/phone/TV/cable stuff to the new house and the cable guy was coming to install.

Mostly though, we unpacked and placed in the new house.

The TV area is almost fully set up, missing a few figurines here and there but for the most part it is functional and the DVDs and VHS are almost all unpacked.  By doing so, we reduced the amount of boxes stacked in the living room and made room for the sectional sofa to come in on the 21st.

My daughter changed the locks, so we now both have keys to the house.

We unpacked some boxes in the kitchen, so this made some room in the dining room for more stuff to come in...  Still a few empty boxes in there, but empty boxes are easier to remedy.

We set up my son's bed in his room, moved the spare dryer to it's nook (which actually involved lifting the whole thing chest level to pass it through a narrow opening) and cleared the room where the chest freezer and large cabinet are going.

In the dining room we hung some stuff up, and we did the dishes.

So even without the large items, it's starting to look like "home" as we walk though the house, while the old house, even with the large items looks like home less and less.

Over the next three days I will concentrate on packing the old house, doing the laundry, cleaning the fridge and oven, emptying the freezer and thawing it out, making sure the washer is empty of water and hose disconnected, stuff like that.

On Friday I will need to take apart my sectional.  If I bring anything anywhere, it will be items that go to second hand.  Actually, I might bring in the goldfish so I can start cleaning the large aquarium.  The temporary aquarium in the new house where the goldfish will go is almost ready, so there should be little shock.  Also, if I can catch Valentine, I will also bring her so she can start the process of acclimatizing.

The worst of it is almost over.  Soon it will be safe to crash....

Well thanks for reading!

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