January 31, 2012

So are you happy yet?

I have been asked  "Are you happy you bought the house yet?"

How do I tell people that no, I am not happy I bought the house?

How do I tell people that I feel like I have done a monumental mistake, a mistake that I cannot correct?

I have over-extended myself financially, physically and emotionally?

How can I tell people that I regret what I have done and am struggling to find a way to cope with the fall out?

How can I tell people that this may be the one biggest mistake of my life?

The kids have made it quite clear that they are not happy about it either.  In the last two months, all I seem to hear them say is " I HATE this and I HATE that!". 

I also hear how nothing is good enough.

They are angry that I don't have the money to just keep buying anything.  My son wants a new laptop again (3rd one in a year) as his current one is also breaking.

By buying this house I don't have the money to borrow anymore.  I don't even have the money to get "interesting food" or to eat out.

Mind out I had run out of the "bonus" or "extra" money and things were going to get tight anyway, but now things are more tight.

I thought that by buying rather than renting, it would give them something after I died, but due to my Fibromyalgia and Bipolar, I cannot be insured, so they will just inherit a whole bunch of debt.

Once more I can't do anything right.


  1. I'm sorry you're struggling. Don't take the kids so seriously, they'll appreciate how expensive everything is when they get older and have to pay for their own. *well, N anyway ;)

    It's all over after today. Take a week off (from unpacking) and just relax every chance you can this week.

    As for the laptop, he can wait. He will bitch and moan and cry and whatever else he does, but even if you give in and get him one, he'll find something else to bitch and moan and make you miserable about.

    I know you're overwhelmed, but you just went through a shit storm with half a roll of toilet paper... things will calm down, and I promise, this f*** da** crazy winter will end as well.

    hugs xx

  2. BTW, Thanks Felicia for the kid words. Waiting for things to get better by yourself can be pretty difficult sometimes as you undoubtly know.


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