September 26, 2011

Things I'd rather be doing...

  1. Sleeping
  2. Lying down with a good book.
  3. Doing laundry
  4. Vaccuuming
  5. Taking a hot bath with scented oils
  6. Sitting in a hot tub
  7. Sleeping
  8. Cooking
  9. Playing a computer game
  10. Shopping in a store
  11. Shopping online
  12. Scanning documents to save electronically (gotta fix scanner)
  13. Converting VHS to MP4
  14. Sleeping
  15. Sorting my linens, for giveaway
  16. Sorting my clothes for giveaway
  17. Sorting my son's clothes for giveaway
  18. Watching a movie
  19. Watching something on TV
  20. Cuddling with a cat
  21. Did I say sleeping?
  22. Getting a massage
  23. Getting a facial
  24. Getting a manicure
  25. Getting a pedicure
  26. Having my hair washed and styled
  27. Doing a crossword puzzle
  28. Sleeping.


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