September 14, 2011

A typical day in my world

5:30 AM, The alarm clock buzzes for the first time, my arm sneaks out from under the covers to snooze it.  I can't face the world quite yet.

5:39 AM  The alarm clock buzzes a second time, the arm snakes out again to press the snooze button.  Not ready yet.

5:48 AM  The alarm clock buzzes for a third time, the arm snakes out again to press the snooze button.  Body is starting to wake up.  The bladder is starting to have something  to say about this whole snoozing thing.  The pain receptors are fully waking up.

5: 50 AM The bladder is screaming mercy.  I get up slowly as my back is hurting, so are my arms and neck.  As soon as I put my weight on my legs, they start hurting too.  I head to the washroom, do what I need to do and go back to my bed.  I lie there until the alarm clock buzzes for a last time.

5:57 AM The alarm clock buzzes and I turn it off.  I start making my way downstairs slowly. I lean heavily on the wall on the way down to try and take some weight off my burning painful legs.  I need to get down there to turn off the alarm on my cell which goes off at 6:00 AM. I say hello to the various cats I pass along the way, say good morning to the bunny.

6:00 AM  I turn off the cell alarm, go to the computer and log in to Facebook, launch my game.  Sit for a bit.

6:03 AM Go back upstairs to start waking up my son.  This may take a while.  Take a quick cold shower, then go nag my son to get him up, and take a shower.  Get dressed and nag my son to get up and take a shower.
Go back downstairs and play a bit of Facebook game.

6:15 ~ 6:20 My son typically gets up  I nag him to take his meds and to eat breakfast.  Nag my son about his cleanliness (if he has not showered) or praise my son about his cleanliness (if he has showered).  I pick up some things here and there, brush my hair.

6:45 AM-ish I start nagging my son about his preparations for school. Does he have a lunch? Has he taken his meds? Does he have all his supplies?  I nag him to wear socks and take electronics out of his school bag. Finish getting myself ready.  Try to psyche myself that I want to go to work, that the pain is manageable, that I am not that exhausted, that I will have a good day. 

* Please note that whatever I nag my son to do, whichever tone I use, I tend to have a 25% success rate.

7:15 AM My son and I leave for school/work, he walks I take the bus.  I listen to my MP3 on the bus and usually read a bit.

7:45 AM I get off the bus, one block from my work.  I walk the rest of the way to work.  I try to not let the pain be obvious.  I walk much slower than I used to.  If I have time, and it's not too crowded, I stop by the really expensive cafeteria to get a tea.  I prefer Chai.

8:00 AM I officially start to work.  Now there is no typical work day.  I handle work as it comes.  I usually get snipped at several times a day, I put up with a high school mentality and I spend most of the day trying to hide the pain and the tiredness.

12:00 PM I eat food, either I go get some or I brought some with me.  Usually I get some.

4:00 PM I usually finish work, I walk back to the bus stop about one block from my job.

4:11 ~ 4:30 PM I get on the bus and head home. If I am lucky the first bus that comes by is not so full that I manage to get on AND sit down.  I listen to my MP3 and read a little on my way home.

4:30 ~ 5:00 PM I arrive home and usually start picking up things around the house.  I head to the kitchen to try and figure out food.  I may or may not cook for the family.  Usually I will log in to Facebook and launch a game and play while I am doing some of the other things.

Between 5:30 to 8:30 PM  If I am lucky or too much in pain I will sit in the living room and only do relaxing things.  If not I will do chores or run errands.  Tonight for example, I need to go to the store and get some breakfast items and my son has complained we are getting low.  The main floor needs vacuuming, so I will most likely do that.  Yesterday, I reinstalled my curtains because one side was coming off.  Monday I caught up on the dishes. See, my kids are not always very good at doing their chores.  My son is extremely not good at it, and my daughter is moderately not good at it.  Sometime this week I have to take out the AC's and go get my son another pair of shoes.  I also have to get a copy of my tax return to some ministry place.

8:30 PM-ish Check that the various animals have been fed, if not feed them

8:45 PM-ish Dedicate to relaxing by playing my game or reading my book.

10:00 PM I go to bed.

Thanks for reading!

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